Meet Natashia Swinimer

As a Financial Services Representative at our Spryfield Branch, Natashia shares her favourite piece of financial advice, as well as what she loves about her role at CUA: member interactions and opportunities to volunteer with the rest of the Spryfield team!

1. Where did you grow up and if you moved to the Halifax area, what brought you here?

I grew up in Dartmouth but moved to Calgary in my early twenties. I moved back to Halifax after my son was born to be close to family.

2. Can you highlight your educational background and professional experience?

Once I finished grade 12, I worked in retail locations as both an assistant manager and manager.

3. What drew you to banking?

I was really interested in having the opportunity to develop new skills as well as helping people reach their financial goals.

4. Since joining CUA, what other positions have you held?

I’m currently a Financial Services Representative at our Spryfield branch, and I sometimes work with the Customer Contact Centre.

5. What does a “regular” workday look like for you?

I usually start off with morning duties (ATM, night deposit) and getting ready to help members, whom I’ll be interacting with and assisting all day.

6. What is the best part of your job?

Seeing our regular members and getting to know them and my co-workers.

7. Since being in your role with CUA, what is the most valuable thing you’ve learned?

It’s important to always have a savings account, as you never know when an unexpected cost might arise. Especially in cases of an emergency, which are stressful enough, it can be reassuring to know you don’t have to worry about money. 

8. What is one piece of financial advice that you believe everyone should follow?

I think that everyone should set up an RRSP or other type of retirement savings. The sooner you start saving, the more opportunity you have to earn interest.

9. Outside of your professional life, what is your favourite activity or hobby?

Outside of work, I love walking, hiking and spending time with my kids.

10. Do you perform volunteer or community work (boards, committees, sports, etc.) and if so, what?

The Spryfield team always volunteers for Spryfield days and the Santa Clause Parade. I look forward to these events every year!

11. What is your favourite meal to cook at home or order at a restaurant?

My favourite meal is definitely chicken stir-fry.

Email Natashia

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