Meet Mike Caron

Mike Caron has been a part of the CUA team since 2015 and you can find his smiling face at the Annex branch in Halifax. With decades of experience in the financial sector spanning banking institutions from Toronto to Halifax, he brings his passion for helping others reach their financial goals to the office everyday.

1. What drew you to banking?

My first job out of school was with the Government of New Brunswick helping people find relief from high mortgage rates.  In the 1980s, rates could be 19% or higher.  I fell in love with lending and finding solutions to help people get ahead, and I continued to pursue that same passion through all of the jobs that I’ve had.  

2. What does a “regular” workday look like for you?

I’m an early riser.  During the winter months, I like to work out at home and then through the spring, summer and fall, I take a 15-20 km bike ride, weather permitting.  This is followed by a full breakfast at home (usually a veggie and cheese omelette!) and then I clean the kitchen before I leave home.  

I usually arrive at the branch by 8:30 a.m.  where I spend some time getting prepared for the day and catching up on emails and other tasks.  I also use this time to meet with staff.  Once our doors open for the day, I will work with the team, help out where required and be prepared for any needs that may arise throughout the day.  

3. What is the best part of your job?

The best part of everyday has always been the people that work for me and the people I work for.  Surround yourself with good people and you will be successful.

4. How would you describe your leadership style?

My door is always open for our team to share ideas and work together on customer needs.  I like to set expectations and standards of accountability early.  I trust that my team knows their priorities and can get any job done.  To ensure we all work well together to serve our customers, I schedule regular check-ins with each staff member.  If I find anyone is encountering issues or needs assistance, I’m happy to step in and help them work through things.

5. What is one piece of personal finance advice that you believe everyone should follow?

Start saving early.  Regardless of the amount, get in the habit of putting money away for short, medium and long-term life circumstances and unexpected expenses.  If you have questions or aren’t sure how to get started, let’s talk.  We’re here to help.

6. Do you have any really memorable client or member stories that you would like to share that have had an impression on your career?

I recall providing a mortgage to a couple in their 30s with young children.  During the signing process, the husband wanted to opt out of the mortgage life insurance.  I spent some extra time talking to them about the benefits and ensuring they knew they had a certain period to cancel it and their premiums could be refunded if they later changed their minds.  I also explained that they would be covered for the next few weeks before their mortgage and premium payments started.  They decided to take the insurance and tragically, the husband passed away suddenly the following week.  While it was a devastating time for the family, the mother and her children were able to move into the home as planned, 100% mortgage free.  After that, when working with young couples, I really encourage them to take the insurance on their mortgage, and rarely has it been declined.

7. Outside of your professional life, what are your favourite activities or hobbies?

That’s easy — SKIING.  I’m a ski instructor and patroller.  I also serve on the Board of Directors for the Spryfield Business Commission and am actively involved with Rotary Northwest in Halifax.

8. What is your favourite meal to cook at home or order at a restaurant?
If I’m cooking at home, I love to barbecue a steak dinner.  If I’m ordering at a restaurant, I go for the lamb and I also love Uncle Buck’s Pizza in Spryfield.

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