Meet Kelly Powers

As a Financial Services Representative at our Pleasant Street Branch, Kelly tells us about playing “bank teller” as a child, her love of thrifting and the importance of a good relationship with your financial institution.

1. Where did you grow up, and if you moved to the Halifax area, what brought you here?
I grew up in the Clayton Park area of Halifax and have lived in the city for my entire life.

2. Can you highlight your educational background and professional experience?
I graduated from Halifax West High School in 2014. At the time I was working at Winners, which is where I gained a lot of my customer service experience. I then worked with the Halifax Regional Centre for Education after graduating, where I was doing the morning and after school programs at my old elementary school supervising 100+ children. 

3. What drew you to banking?
My mother was a bank teller and has over 30 years of banking experience with both CUA and other financial institutions. I remember being a little girl and playing “bank teller” on my mom’s old adding machine and absolutely loving it. Although math was never my favorite subject in school, it’s worked out that I’m following in my mothers’ footsteps!

4. Since joining CUA, what other positions have you held?
I started at CUA in December of 2021 at the Wyse Road branch, moving to Pleasant Street shortly after. I’ve worked in many branches, helped in the Customer Contact Centre, and do many of the administration duties in the branch.

5. What does a “regular” workday look like for you?
A regular day for me would start with morning procedures; emptying the ATM and Night Deposits, making sure our treasury is balanced, doing reports. Then once the doors open, I could be doing anything from a deposit to a wire transfer to a mortgage payout. Some days are slower, and others are incredibly fast paced. It can be unpredictable.

6. What is the best part of your job?
I would say the best part of my job is getting to know our members and the businesses in the Eastern Passage and Woodside area, close to our branch. I enjoy helping members reach their goals and watching small business grow. It feels good to be a part of anyone’s success, even if it is behind the scenes.

7. Since being in your role with CUA, what is the most valuable thing you’ve learned?
The most valuable thing I’ve learned is that it’s always worth having a conversation with your banking institution if you’re in need of help. I think people assume that if you don’t have tons of money, they don’t care about you or won’t want to help you. I know I can speak for CUA when I say we are here to help everyone work towards their financial goals.

8. What is one piece of financial advice that you believe everyone should follow?
Stay on top of your monthly payments and if you need to, ask for help from your financial institution. 

9. Outside of your professional life, what is your favourite activity or hobby?
I love thrifting, flea markets and estate sales. I’m a self-proclaimed maximalist and love filling my spaces with the strangest knick-knacks and art I can find. Any excuse to wander through old homes and get a glimpse of someone else’s life, I’ll take!

10. What is your favourite meal to cook at home or order at a restaurant?
Breakfast food is my favourite! Or spicy ramen.

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