Meet Jordan Durling

As a Small Business Advisor with our Commercial Team, Jordan tells us about the best part of his job at CUA, which is helping members reach their goals, as well as his love of music, including playing and teaching drums.

1. Where did you grow up and if you moved to the Halifax area, what brought you here?

I was born in British Columbia and grew up in Markham, Ontario. When I was in middle school, I moved to Halifax, and I’ve lived here ever since. 

2. Can you highlight your educational background and professional experience?

I have a Business Administration diploma with focus in Marketing from NSCC. I worked part-time at CUA through school, which provided opportunities to grow within the institution and gain more knowledge in the financial industry. I’ve spent five years within CUA as a Financial Services Representative, a Financial Advisor, and most recently as a Small Business Advisor.

3. What drew you to banking?

Being surrounded and inspired by great role models within CUA while working as an Financial Services Representative. Seeing what people can achieve with the right financial advice and guidance was something I felt compelled to be a part of. Everyone at CUA actively encouraged me and offered opportunities to develop those skills.

4. What does a “regular” workday look like for you?

A regular workday for me includes meeting with our members to discuss goals for their businesses and creating a plan to help them get there. It also involves conducting analysis of financial statements, putting together credit applications or visiting a member’s business to better understand their operations. 

5. What is the best part of your job?

The best part of my job is seeing the direct impact of the work I am doing. Our members are a part of our community, and helping them achieve their goals only stands to better that community.

6. Since being in your role with CUA, what is the most valuable thing you’ve learned?

Our team consists of such brilliant people from different backgrounds who are always open to share their knowledge or expertise. Everyone offers something, and you can learn from everyone if you take the time to listen.

7. What is one piece of financial advice that you believe everyone should follow?

Get to know your financial advisor, and ensure they know who you are. Having someone who knows your story and can be in your corner when you’re looking to achieve a financial goal is a valuable resource.

8. Outside of your professional life, what is your favourite activity or hobby?

When I’m not at work, you can find me playing and teaching drums.

9. Do you perform volunteer or community work (boards, committees, sports, etc.) and if so, what?

I used to referee basketball and coach volunteer youth soccer. Now most of my time is spent on music, hiking or tennis.

10. What is your favourite meal to cook at home or order at a restaurant?

Korean BBQ, which is great for a social and interactive meal experience!

Email Jordan

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