Meet Brad Thomson

Brad joined CUA in 2018, bringing a wealth of experience and knowledge to the team. He is currently in the role of Commercial Account Manager where you can find him helping our members.

1. Where did you grow up and if you moved to the Halifax area, what brought you here?

I grew up in Newfoundland and my family and I moved to Halifax in 1998 while I was in high school, as my mom had accepted a job opportunity.

2. Can you highlight your education background and professional experience?

I hold a Bachelor of Commerce degree with a major in Finance from Dalhousie University. I also have 21 years’ experience in the financial industry and have spent a number of years focusing on the small business and commercial banking.
3. What drew you to banking?

Growing up, my father was a banker, and that inspired me to explore this career. I initially took on a part-time banking role to help get me through my post-secondary studies. I enjoyed working in that position and my time there made me realize this was a career I’d like to pursue.

4. How long have you been at CUA?

I’ve been at CUA since February 2018 and have been working as a Commercial Account Manager ever since! Once I joined CUA, it felt like I had the tools necessary to get things done and support our members.

5. What does a “regular” workday look like for you?

Every day is different for me. But I would say a "typical" workday for me is working on applications or resolving our members' issues. I also enjoy visiting some of our members at their business (when and where it’s safe to do so) to understand firsthand what their plans are for the future in terms of growth and development.

6. What is the best part of your job?

Meeting with potential and current CUA members to discuss their needs and provide them with any advice that could help them accomplish their goals. It is really rewarding when I am able to help them get to “yes” for their financing needs and watch them succeed.

7. Since being in your role with CUA, what is the most valuable thing you’ve learned?

How important it is to work collaboratively. I’ve been on different teams throughout my career, but being in my role with CUA, I learned what it means to work together and what you can accomplish by helping each other.

Email Brad

Meet the CUA Team

Our experienced and dedicated team are passionate about helping our personal and commercial members improve their confidence and knowledge of financial matters. Meet the team »

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