Meet Bob Upton

Bob Upton has had an extensive career in the banking industry and uses his experience and expertise to support CUA’s Commercial team.

1. Where did you grow up? If you moved to the Halifax area, what brought you here?

I spent my childhood years in Montreal, then moved to Nova Scotia where I went to St. F. X. for university. I took a weekend trip to Halifax for an interview with a bank, and I’ve been here ever since! I’ve also really enjoyed working in banking and finance, and I’ve stayed within the industry for my entire career.

2. Can you highlight your educational background and professional experience?

I received a business degree, then spent half my career with a bank, and the rest with Atlantic Central. Throughout the years, I’ve taught commercial lending all over the world and I’m now using this knowledge to support CUA’s commercial operations, which I’ve done for the last 10 years.

3. What does a “regular” workday look like for you?

I spend most of my day analyzing financial statements and other documentation for different businesses to assist the commercial lenders in their decision to give or renew loan requests.

4. What is the best part of your job?

With a lot of experience over the years, the best part of my job is feeling that I can help new lenders avoid some of the pitfalls I’ve encountered in my career. One that quickly comes to mind is for members to be careful with equal partnerships.  This can be a challenging arrangement when making major decisions and there isn’t agreement.  There needs to be some mechanism that deals with that kind of situation or it can really hurt the business.

5. Since being in your role with CUA, what is the most valuable thing you’ve learned?

Seeing how well CUA staff work as a team and how they are always willing to help each other. This is not the way it is in larger banks, as account managers often worry about their own client base, and this prevents them from working together. I could tell very quickly that CUA was a great place to work, and the offers of assistance were sincere! This collaborative culture is wonderful.

6. What is one piece of financial advice that you believe everyone should follow?

Life is short, and as you get older your health can prevent you from doing some of the things “you have always wanted to do.” So, while saving is important, make sure you’re spending a little now to enjoy life along the way!

7. Outside of your professional life, what is your favourite activity or hobby?

One of my favorite activities is taking long hikes in the woods and enjoying our beautiful Nova Scotian nature.

8. What is your favourite meal to cook at home or order at a restaurant?

Wheel Pizza in Antigonish!

Email Bob

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