Vision, Mission and Values

Helping Everyday People Get Ahead

Based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, CUA is a community-based banking institution with a more than 75-year history of helping everyday people get ahead with flexible products, personalized service and quick decisions. We deliver banking products and services with integrity and heart, helping our customers, friends and neighbours gain the knowledge and confidence necessary to reach their full financial potential.

As a financial institution, customers are confident that CUA is responsibly operated, secure, stable and has the highest standards in ethical behaviour. Implicit within integrity are the following concepts: honesty, trustworthiness and doing what is in the best interest of members. 

This term is frequently used by customers describing the different characteristics that CUA brings in comparison to the competition. This is what makes them feel valued and important. Caring encompasses going above and beyond to make a dream a reality or to solve a problem, being empathetic, non-judgmental, invested in their success and being responsive to their questions and needs. This caring value also encompasses our commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in all aspects of the organization.

Each team member is accountable to deliver on their role in order to enable the collective success of CUA and our customers. Each person has a strong sense of ownership for their job and takes pride in performing well and meeting their commitments. Everyone takes responsibility for their work and actions, and takes ownership of any problem in front of them, along with the solution.

CUA is innovative in all of its activities in order to leverage our strengths and manage our challenges. Team members are creative and think outside the box, especially for ways to enhance the customer experience. Continuous improvement is something we just do so we can get stronger as individuals and as a company.

Environmental Sustainability

An important priority that embodies CUA's Values is our commitment to the environment.

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