
Our Policies Help Us, Help You

Our Policies

Your privacy is important to us. We are committed to protecting your privacy and safeguarding your personal and financial information. While the Internet is revolutionizing the way that we do business — providing convenient access to financial services from your home or office — we also recognize that it may bring concerns about privacy and security. Please refer to our Privacy Code to learn about our commitment to your privacy. To learn more about your privacy and this website, please refer to the Privacy Online guidelines below.

Our Commitment to Privacy

A tradition of respecting rights

Credit unions in Canada have a long history of respecting the rights of their customers, who are also their owners. As co-operative financial institutions, credit unions are committed to implementing policies and procedures that maintain these rights.

CUA's Board of Directors has adopted the Credit Union Code for the Protection of Personal Information, established Policies and Procedures, and appointed a Privacy Officer. You are entitled to review the Code, access your personal information, or contact the Privacy Officer at any time. Through these actions, what has been our accepted practice becomes our documented commitment to you, the customer.

Your Personal Information

We hold personal information about customers to help us meet and maintain the highest standards of financial service. This information can include your name, address, Social Insurance Number, age, use of accounts and credit history, employment records, personal references, as well as the relationship of others linked to you in account services. We obtain this information from you directly, and from the product and service arrangements you have made with or through us. Information is also obtained with your permission from credit bureaus, other financial institutions and from the personal references you provide us.

Co-operative Financial Services Partners

CUA also provides services in conjunction with financial services partners that include the Co-operative Financial Services Group of companies. These companies include: Co-operators Insurance, Concentra Financial, Credit Union Electronic Transaction Services (CUETS), Credit Union Members Insurance Society (CUMIS), Credential Asset Management Inc., Ethical Funds Inc., League Data, League Savings & Mortgage, or other similar organizations that support CUA's goals and values and provide useful and valuable products and services to our customers.

In accordance with regulatory requirements, CUA may be required to collect, use or disclose information with other Co-operative Financial Services Partners in providing a service.

Your personal information may also be shared with these partners so that they may promote their services to you.

We only collect what we absolutely need.

Because of the importance placed on customers' confidentiality, CUA will only collect, use or disclose information that we absolutely need. The credit union will ask for information for the following purposes:

  • To understand your financial servicing needs;

  • To determine the suitability and eligibility for customer products and services;

  • To evaluate your credit standing and to share or exchange reports and information with credit reporting agencies;

  • To detect and prevent fraud, and to help safeguard the financial interests of CUA and its customers;

  • To meet legal and regulatory requirements;

  • For the promotion of products and services by CUA and/or partner companies.

We may ask you for your Social Insurance Number (SIN) to comply with tax reporting requirements. For example, when you open a deposit account, we ask for your SIN as any interest earned must be reported. There are other purposes for which we may ask you for your SIN. For example, if you are applying for a loan or overdraft protection, we may ask for your SIN to ensure an accurate match between your personal information and your credit bureau report.

Personal Information Consent

We need your consent. Here’s how you can provide it.

You can provide us with your express consent in a variety of ways (depending upon the sensitivity of the information) – in writing, electronically, or verbally in some instances. For current members, implied consent will apply, where we can reasonably conclude that you have given consent by deciding not to withdraw your consent. Preferably, we will obtain your express consent in writing when you become a credit union member or when you apply for a new credit union service offering.

If, for whatever reason, you do not provide us with your written consent, or do not withdraw your consent, we will assume that we have your implied consent for the continuing use of your personal information for purposes described within this statement, including disclosure to the Co-operative Financial Group of Companies. You can withdraw your consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual obligations.

For example, your credit union is required by law to provide a record of your interest earning information to the Canada Revenue Agency, therefore this information could not be limited. However, you must understand that if you make this choice, we may not be able to provide you with the product or service that you desire.

Credit Union Code for the Protection of Personal Information

Here is a summary of the ten principles. If you would like additional information, please contact us.

  1. Accountability: We have designated a Privacy Officer who is accountable for our compliance with the principles of the Code.

  2. Identifying Purposes: Before or at the time we ask you for personal information, we will identify the purposes for which it will be used or disclosed.

  3. Consent: We require your knowledge and consent for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information.

  4. Limiting Collection: The collection of personal information shall be limited to that which is necessary for the purpose identified by the credit union.

  5. Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention: If you have provided explicit limited consent, your personal information shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected or as required by law. We will retain your information only as long as necessary to fulfill identified purposes.

  6. Accuracy: We will keep your information accurate, complete, and up-to-date.

  7. Safeguards: We will protect your personal information with appropriate security safeguards.

  8. Openness: We will make specific, understandable information readily available to you about our personal information policies and practices.

  9. Individual Access: When you request it, we will give you access to the existence, use, and disclosure of your information. You are entitled to question its accuracy and completeness, and its uses.

  10. Challenging Compliance: You are entitled to question the Privacy Officer about our compliance with any of these principles.

Website Privacy

On our website, we only collect personal information required to improve the services we offer, to improve our site content and, with your permission, to contact you with information about our services.

For more information on our website Privacy Statement, please read below.

Information we collect on our site

You can visit all public areas of our site without providing any personal information about yourself. Our website collects only non-personal information based on a visitor’s Internet Protocol (IP) address (this is not personally identifiable).

Information collected includes the date and time of visit, the type of Internet browser used to access the site, the referring address (the link a visitor uses to access the site). This data is used to create statistics on site usage and improve online services.

Links to other websites

Our website contains links to other websites that are part of, affiliated with, or have a business relationship with CUA. When you leave our site to visit one of these other sites, the only information transferred to the new site is the fact that you came from the CUA website, cua.com. Transmission of this referring address allows other sites to monitor their own web traffic, but does not disclose any personal information about you.

Contact us

We welcome any questions or concerns about our Privacy Statement, or the practices of this site. Please contact us by e-mail or in writing at the following address:

Privacy Officer
7105 Chebucto Road, Suite 350
Halifax, NS B3L 4W8
E-mail: privacyofficer@cua.com


CUA reserves the right to amend its Internet Privacy Statement and its Privacy Code at any time with or without notice. Please check this page periodically for changes.

We are committed to ensuring our online services are as accessible as possible to all users. To achieve this we have built our site to comply with the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). These guidelines assist website developers by describing best practices to implement websites that will be accessible to all users.

  • This site complies with WCAG Level Double-A of the Guidelines, available at http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/WAI-WEBCONTENT-19990505, with the small number of known exceptions itemized below.

  • This site also complies with the guidelines found in Section 508 of the US Federal Government Rehabilitation Act.

Pages on this site were authored using technologies selected to produce a user-friendly and visually pleasing website. Some older browsers may not support these technologies and while we make every effort to accommodate these browsers, it may be necessary to disable some features, such as Cascading Style Sheets (which controls the colours and fonts used) or JavaScript (which builds interactive dynamic content) on your browser to view the site.

If your browser does not support these technologies (or if they are disabled), the content of each page is still readable although the look and layout will be significantly altered. Best efforts have been made to make the site functional without these advanced features.

We recommend that users keep their browsers up-to-date to take advantage of new technologies. For more information on which browsers we support see the Browser Requirements section of this site.

Pages were also created to allow visually impaired users to use the site effectively using a screen reading aid. For example, all images have text describing the image, Title attributes tell users where a link will take them if they click on it, and structured headings are used so users can get an overview of the site and jump quickly to desired sections.


  • Calendar pop-ups for our product application forms and our calculators do not function if the Cascading Style Sheets are switched off when you view the site. If you are using a screen reading aid to help you, it will not be able to read the contents of the calendar. Simply enter the date manually by typing it in the following format: MM-DD-YYYY.

  • In our Products and Services section of the site, on both request forms and application forms, a screen reading aid will read the first heading of the form twice.

Adjusting your Browser Settings

Our Internet Banking service can be adapted for use by partially sighted members. You can change some of the options in your Internet browser and, using the latest version of Netscape or Internet Explorer, you will be able to:

  • alter the size and colour of most text (but not images)

  • alter the background colour (black text on a yellow background gives the most contrast)

  • alter the line length, by changing the size and shape of your browser window

  • override the colour schemes of this website and others with your preferred settings

Refer to the accessibility topic in the help section of your browser for details on how to change your browser settings.

Technologies Used

If you are technically inclined or wish to know more about how we achieve accessibility on this site, you may be interested in reading below.

  • All pages on this site were authored using Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) 1.0 Transitional for markup.

  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) have been used for visual layout, which follow the principle of separating content from presentation. If you are having difficulty reading the web pages because of the colours, fonts, etc, you can disable the CSS on your browser to view the site. Best efforts have been made to make the site functional without the use of CSS or JavaScript, although the look and layout will be significantly altered.

  • Some pages on this site have been created using JavaScript (DOM 1/2) for browser effects.

  • All pages in this site use structured semantic markup. H1 tags are used for main titles, H2 tags for subtitles, etc. This helps users get an overview of the site when using an access aid and jump quickly to desired sections of the site.

  • Many links have TITLE attributes, except those where the text of the link already fully describes the target. These attributes describe where a link will take you if you click it to help you navigate effectively through the site.

  • This site has been checked using W3C Validators for both XHTML and CSS. However, some features, such as banking and calculator pages, use legacy code and may not validate.

Testing and Validation

To test for compliance, we have used the following accessibility aids and resources:

  • W3C WCAG Guidelines

  • IBM aDesigner version1.02 - a disability simulator that helps Web designers ensure that their pages are accessible and usable by the visually impaired.

  • JAWS 4.51 Screen reader software for the visually impaired.

  • This site has been checked using W3C Validators for both XHTML and CSS. However, some complex interactive features of this site, such as banking and calculator pages, may not validate.

This site has been cross-checked using Internet Explorer (5.5 +, PC only), Netscape (7.2+, PC only), FireFox (1.0, PC and Mac) and Safari (1.2 +, Mac only).

Online Privacy Guidelines

This information describes in general terms how your personal information is collected and used within the online banking section of our site. The online banking area of the site is the area of our website that requires you to use your username and password to enter.

To provide you with a convenient method for applying for loans and mortgages, or for purchasing other financial services products such as Registered Savings Plans, we may provide secure online application forms. These forms capture personal information that we use to provide you with the products and services you request. This information is processed in a similar way to application forms received through our other channels.

In the event that you leave your computer without logging out, the online banking feature of this site has been designed to end your session automatically if our system detects that you haven't provided any instructions or used the browser buttons to navigate for several minutes. To restart the session, you will need to provide your password again.

We welcome any questions or concerns about your privacy relating to use of our website. Please use the Feedback Form to submit your questions or comments.

As we continue to expand our online banking service to serve you better, and as new Internet technologies become available, we may update the information on this page at any time, to reflect changes.

To ensure that you are the only person accessing your personal financial information, we restrict access to the online banking section of the site by requiring that you enter your username and password to login. Only you know your password. Our employees do not have access to your password, and they will not ask you to reveal it. If someone does ask you to provide your password to them, we ask that you refuse to do so and contact us immediately.

We create a secure channel between your browser and our server to protect your information when you use the site.

To communicate with us electronically, we strongly recommend that you use our Contact Us feature. This feature provides a secure channel for sending us comments, questions or instructions.

General email is not secure since it passes through many points on its route from you to us. If you are using general email to communicate with us, we strongly recommend that you do not include personal financial information (such as account numbers) within the email as we cannot guarantee its confidentiality en route to us.

When you email us your comments, questions or instructions, you provide us your email address and we use it to correspond with you. We then store your email and our replies to you in case we correspond further.

CUA's website may contain links to other websites or Internet resources. CUA does not control the collection, use and disclosure of information collected by third party websites. Always review the privacy statements of the sites you are viewing and/or linking to.


To ensure that no-one else can access your personal information, always use the logout button to end an online banking session. It is located at the top of every page. When you exit using the logout button, we delete your session cookie so that your session cannot be resumed unless your username and password are re-entered.

We use a persistent cookie to store information to help you personalize the site and to make it easier to use. For example, we allow you to make the login easier by remembering your login information within our Memorized Accounts feature. Since the Memorized Accounts feature is optional, this cookie only contains information that you have entered into it. We never store your password in a cookie.

The following list of permissions and activities are required by our mobile app to operate. These include:

  • "Access Camera" permission is used by the app to deposit a cheque via mobile deposit capture, store a custom profile picture and background.

  • "Access Location" permission is used by the app to accurately locate the nearest ATM or branch in the "Find Us" feature.

  • "Call Permission" is used to automatically call the user's preferred branch by tapping on the phone number in the "Find Us" feature.

  • "Contact List" permission is used to set up new Interac e-Transfer® contacts and send an Interac e-Transfer®.

    • Only the contact information confirmed by the user is readable by Interac.

  • "Internal Storage" permission is required to view, share and download PDF files from the mobile app to a user's device.

  • "App Activities" uses mobile app interaction data for analytics on usage and crash information for the current app version. We also monitor application stability using the crash logs to make ongoing improvements. Data collected on app activities, information and performance is completely anonymous and aggregated - individual users are not identifiable.

We also use a key web technology called cookies. A cookie is a small information token that sits on your computer. As you use this site, cookies are passed back and forth between our server and your browser.

Specifically, we use two kinds of cookies — session cookies and persistent cookies. A session cookie exists only for the length of your browsing session and is deleted when you close your browser. A persistent cookie is a cookie that stays on your computer after you close your browser. A persistent cookie may or may not expire on a given date.

We use a session cookie to maintain the integrity of your online banking session. With each page that you visit, the cookie is passed back and forth between our server and your browser. We use the cookie to distinguish your session from the many others that may be happening at the same time. Our session cookies never store any personal information, such as your name, or date of birth, or financial information, such as your accounts and balances.

Most recent browser versions allow you to set some level of control over which cookies are accepted and how your browser uses them. For example, it may be set to notify you when it is receiving a cookie so that you accept cookies from only known, reliable sites such as this one. If you are concerned about cookies, we encourage you to upgrade your browser to a recent version and review the Help section of your browser to learn more about its specific control features.

By nature, our Internet banking site has many transactional functions such as transfers between accounts and bill payment functions. These transactions are all logged to ensure that your accounts are debited or credited appropriately, and a history of each transaction is available to verify your account information. We store and use your transactional information in the same fashion as if you performed the transaction at a branch or through any other service channel.

We may also use transactional information for servicing your account — for example, billing you for the particular transactions that you perform, or for the services that you use.

To continually improve our site, we often collect statistics about how our members are using it. These usage statistics are only viewed in the aggregate and are not associated with you as an individual. We use this information for purposes such as improving the pages where our members are having difficulties.

The information collected may include your IP address, your browser type and your operating system, as well as data such as the number and types of pages visited, and the length of time spent per page and on the site overall.

Browser Requirements

In order to best access our website and online services, please review the following requirements.

To maximize your Internet banking experience and for your Internet security, we recommend using the latest supported browsers. Please note that we do not support Beta or test versions of browsers.

Microsoft Internet Explorer: Download the latest version of Internet Explorer.

Firefox: Download the latest version of Firefox.

Safari: Download the latest version of Safari.

Google Chrome: Download the latest version of Google Chrome.

Please note that in downloading the supported required browser version, you acknowledge that these are third party sites and we cannot take any responsibility for the consequences of your downloading these browsers.

Internet Explorer is the only browser that supports our current biometric login. Biometric login is required to access some Business Online Banking functionality.

For our technically inclined users, the particular specifications that we support are XHTML 1.0 Transitional, CSS 1.0 and 2.0, DOM Level 1 and 2, and ECMA Script (JavaScript). The site will work using all the browsers that correctly implement these specifications.

To access our services, your browser must also support 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. All the browsers we support meet this requirement. If yours doesn't, please download the appropriate encryption support from your browser's supplier.

To use our online banking services, you must enable your browser to accept cookies. Detailed information on our use of cookies is available in our Privacy Statement. For more information on enabling and disabling cookies, please refer to your browser's Help section or documentation.

To use our online banking services, you must change your browser and/or device settings to enable JavaScript. For more information on enabling JavaScript, please refer to your browser's Help section or documentation.

We have no minimum hardware requirements; however, certain minimum requirements may be specified by the browser you are using.

This website uses cookies to improve your user experience. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies.